Friday, June 20, 2008

how extraordinary!

first day back at work was uneventful, thank god. a few people commented on how rested i looked, which surprised me pleasantly! it's also quite shocking how tired i am already although i was only at the hospital for the regular eight hours. it's barely ten and i can't keep my eyes open for any longer than 5 seconds! i did however manage to take photos of my wardrobe's newest tenants.

ive also recently decided to name all my new acquisitions! as apparel often come with the oddest style names -- really, my new jeans don't feel like Rippers to me~!, and as ive realized that i adore more names than i will ever have children or pets to burden them with, then i shall be very content naming various articles of clothing as if i've designed them myself. {forgive my oddity}. hence i introduce you to karen : my newest pair of jeans. its appeal lies in its unassuming but disgustingly confident nature. look at them! they look so ordinary, but the fit is fantastic.

and here glides emily: creamy, shiny, classy. with just the tiniest bit of mischief&sass. isn't she lovely? i haven't worn them yet, but they just seem to go with every clothing combination i can possibly think of! how extraordinary that they would be as versatile and capable of such adoration as my black beribboned flats!

and amy. i nearly forgot about her, as she is, as a matter of fact, just a pair of cotton navy and white pinstripe shorts!. reminiscent of sticky adolescent summers, halfway between flirty and tomboy, eternally young. don't you wish you were her? then you'd never have to work again.


Paris Tarts said...

Just wanted to say THANKS for commenting on my blog :)


1234 said...

ohh emily is(are?) very cute!