Monday, June 16, 2008

the margaux book review

now that i'm using up my sick leave on an extended leisure trip, ive planned to catch up on all of my reading. i've been meaning to do this for the longest time, specially in that particular corner of my bookshelf where i stash books that i've picked up on garage sales and vintage shops here and abroad, books that i bought in the spur of the moment in expensive bookshops because they had gorgeous satiny covers, and finally, those 'It' books that've gotten at least forty-one stars in the new york times sunday book review for no discernible reason at all. it's the perfect time to read, seeing as how it rains every afternoon and i've just bought a box of apple and cinnamon tea from stash.

so far, in between all the shopping and the salon trips and the frequent dining out, i've managed to read: Circle of Friends (Maeve Binchy), Cat's Eye (Margaret Atwood), and The Fundamentals of Play (Caitlin Macy). they're not terrible, actually, but just the kind of books that once you pick up you have to finish or else you'll wind up tossing the plot in some deep recess of your mind. truthfully, i quite enjoyed reading them! the fundamentals of play was in particular a pleasure to read, as it reminded me of a 1990s great gatsby.

ah well, up next for grabs are: FSTR (James Gleick), The Body Artist (Don deLillo), Being Committed (Anna Maxted), Oryx and Crake (Margaret Atwood), and Dress Your Family In Corduroy and Denim (David Sedaris). and in case you're wondering, i'm reading them in order of copyright, as i'm thinking the old ones have had more time to lie around the bookshelves, feeling neglected and unloved. on a closing note, i still have 11 more books to go after this list. bookity bookity books. i adore them.

on another matter, i have discovered a wonderfully amusing blog about a rabbit who walks around in designer clothing. fifi lapin has lovely illustrations and the clothes never fail to delight!

1 comment:

1234 said...

oryx and crake is on my list of must reads too! ps im linking you too!