Monday, June 23, 2008

the masochist reveals herself

Today was another free day so I had coffee out with Pride and Prejudice (the book) and enjoyed the city's glow after yesterday's thunderstorm. I had on my red vintage store scarf loosely knotted at the neck, a generic white shirt puffed at the sleeves, loose black linen topshop shorts, and black peeptoe bow flats all pulled together by my panda-sized Burberry bag. After two hours and three cups of coffee, I walked around the mall trying to find the perfect leaf-green top but to no avail.

After lunch (california maki & potato balls), my sister and i caught Made of Honor in the theatres. It was as fluffy and generic as the trailer suggested which was just perfect for the day and the huge tub of popcorn that we got. Mcdreamy was adorable as always; I rather thought he carried the whole movie well. While the girl was interesting to begin with, she promptly became the designated object of affection of both parties and degenerated into a flat character. I actually think I'll get the dvd for one of those future nights when all I want to do is pass out after a terrible hospital duty and yet can't fall asleep for thinking of all the grim things that actually happened during said duty.

Among other things, I must say (and I can't believe I'm saying this) -- I miss the hospital. Too many free days and I realize what a masochist I actually am. I'm actually starting to map out outfits days in advance due to lack of any productive activity. There are only so much movies to watch and old books to read. I miss my stethoscope. I want my rounds, chart orders, medication reviews, surgery assists, 3 am admissions, legendary consultants, overbearing relatives, and toxic patients back! {And yes, I am certain I will regret saying this sometime in the near future}.

1 comment:

1234 said...

YAY MCDREAMY!! oh man i love that guy, what a hunk.